Do You Believe? A Silent Interview on Christ

In Blog, Faith, Videos by Wendy2 Comments

What would you say about Christ if you were asked to share your feelings without saying a word?

“Preach Jesus, and when necessary, use words.” ~St. Francis

A diverse group of people have come together to proclaim their testimony of Christ. Each of them have walked very different paths to know Christ as they know him today.

The idea for this project came shortly after making my first silent interview on self-worth. It was a powerful film that spoke volumes without anyone actually saying a word. After seeing the affect it had on so many people I really wondered, “What else could we film with the same engaging and reflective effect?” The idea of a silent testimony really intrigued me.

And it worked.

We launched it just before Easter and it spread like wildfire throughout Facebook and around the world. With about 260K views in just over a week, several articles written and people messaging me for a direct link to show their Sunday school, Relief Society, congregations and Seminary students, I was in shock! I had never had a project take off like that. And then it hit me, this is the language of the Spirit. He gets us to reflect and then testifies to our souls, and most often, no words are needed.

It will forever be a special moment in my life.

It might not be Easter anymore, but any time of the year is a perfect time to reflect on our relationship with Christ.




  1. I was deeply moved. I sobbed through the entire video. It has a unique power and testifies without a single word. Thank you.

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